People spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. With the restrictions of the last year, that number won’t be surprising. But this was common even before the pandemic. And less time outdoors means less exposure to fresh air, nature, and sunlight. The latter is perhaps the most important. Natural light contributes to health and well-being in a variety of ways. And replacement windows in Seattle, WA may be the only way to get enough exposure throughout the day. Here are just some of the benefits you can expect with more exposure to daylight:

1. Improved Circadian Rhythms

Seems contrary, but more exposure to natural sunlight usually correlates to better sleeping habits. Research shows that the body’s internal clock that controls hormone release is often triggered by sunlight. And natural circadian rhythms can improve with just 15 to 30 minutes of daily sun exposure.

2. Healthier Body

As the skin absorbs natural light, it helps the body produce vitamin D. This “vitamin” is actually a hormone and an important one at that. It helps the body maintain adequate levels of calcium for healthy development and maintenance of bones and teeth. It also helps improve the function of organs, muscles, and other tissue.

3. Boosted Immune System

Sunlight also helps activate T-cells, the white blood cells in the body that help fight off infection. Without enough vitamin D, T-cells would simply remain dormant leaving the body prone to disease and infection.

4. Increased Focus and Productivity

Natural light is a great energizer. If you happen to feel unproductive, slow, and foggy throughout the day, it could be from a lack of sunlight. Research shows that regular exposure to daylight will increase focus and concentration, thus improving productivity. Natural light can also help reduce eyestrain that results in permanent eye damage. This is why so many office buildings have rows of windows.

5. Better Mood

Did you know that sunshine can also contribute to your emotional well-being? Because sun exposure increases the release of serotonin and beta-endorphins, getting more natural light can put you in a better mood. It can also help lower blood pressure and make you feel calmer, thus working to relieve stress and anxiety. This can be especially valuable considering the challenges and the added stress of the last year.

replacement windows in Seattle, WA

6. Energy Savings

More sunlight means less reliance upon artificial lighting. Illumination in your home usually accounts for about 10% of the electrical bill. While that may not seem like much, the savings will add up over time. And more natural light in the home will help make it feel larger and more welcoming. That is why replacement windows are such a good investment.

If you are looking for ways to get more natural light in your home, start with replacement windows in Seattle, WA. Our design experts at Signature Window & Door Replacement can help you find the best solutions. They will consider the home’s orientation, the pathways of the sun, and the right types of windows to make the most of your sun exposure throughout the day.