Your house is probably the largest investment you have ever made. And it pays to protect your investment by not cutting any corners when getting replacement windows in Seattle, WA. Windows do so much! They protect the home, provide insulation, and contribute to the aesthetics. But they are essentially “holes” in the exterior envelope. Window replacement is not cheap, and for good reason. It is so important to choose high quality products and reliable installation and not cut corners.   

Low-Quality Windows May Leak 

One way homeowners try to save money is by purchasing the most affordable products. It is important to keep in mind that inexpensive windows are usually made with inferior materials. They will degrade, rot, warp, and fade with time. Gaps will start to form in the assembly, and eventually, these windows will stop protecting the home and quickly become a liability. Both air and moisture infiltration are big problems. Air leaks will decrease the efficiency of the windows and homeowners will literally be throwing money away on heating and cooling bills. And moisture leaks can seep down into the substructures of the home causing damage to walls, flooring, and even the framing.  

Cheap Windows Don’t Last 

Sub-standard windows won’t last. Most builder-grade windows are made from the cheapest materials as a way to keep costs low for manufacturers and builders. These are usually the lowest quality products on the market and tend to last only a handful of years before they outlive their usefulness. This is why most homeowners have to replace windows on new builds after just five to ten years. Higher quality products, like fiberglass replacement windows, can easily last for 30 years or more with proper care and maintenance. When considering the actual value of a product, that is quite the discrepancy.  

Outdated Technologies End Up Costing More 

Today, replacement windows come with a long list of features and upgrades. They each come with distinct advantages. But many homeowners believe their old windows worked just fine—and they won’t even consider any of the new upgrades. This is often a huge mistake. Most new windows on the market will work a lot better and offer better performance. The new glazing technologies offer better insulation, soundproofing, safety, security, and more. And the upgraded styles are more durable, easier to clean, and simple to maintain. These features are important if homeowners want to get the best value for their home.  

replacement windows Seattle, WA

Poor Installation Leads to Window Failure  

One more way to cut corners on new windows is with DIY or substandard installation. Sure, it might be more affordable to tackle the project on their own or hire a general contractor for the job. But when it comes to window installation, one mistake could be disastrous and render the new windows practically useless. Installation is something that needs to be done right the first time. And that means hiring a reliable window contractor and a crew of expert installers who work exclusively with windows day in and day out.  

These are just a few ways homeowners might try to cut corners with replacement windows in Seattle, WA. Don’t make these mistakes! Contact us today for more information about our high-quality products and services.