You might think getting replacement windows in Seattle, WA is easy enough. But what you might not realize is there is a lot of work that goes into home improvement. Not only is it important to know the ins and outs of modern products and technologies but it is also vital to find the right contractor for the job.

DON’T Neglect Architectural Style

Sure, getting new windows is a chance to upgrade your home. That does not mean you can completely ignore the overall build and style. Putting modern windows on a traditional home will not produce the best possible outcome. In fact, the juxtaposition could negatively impact the aesthetics and curb appeal, which will bring down the value of your home.

DO Choose New Windows that Suit Your Home

When shopping for new windows it is important to keep the overall architectural style of your home in mind. That way you can match the aesthetics and create a more appealing aesthetic.

DON’T Feel Stuck With the Same Window Styles

Yes, you want to match the architectural style of your home. But that does not mean you have to match replacement windows to the same style as your old windows. If an old window is not serving you well, replacing it with the exact same style will not be an improvement.

DO Explore Your Options

There are so many different operational styles on the market. There are standard picture windows, sliding windows, and casement windows. But there are also awning windows, hopper windows, double-hung windows, and more. And for even greater impact there are larger installations like garden windows, bay windows, and bow windows. Be sure to consider all the pros and cons of each style so you can find the best windows for your home.

DON’T Forget about Energy Ratings

Some homeowners feel like figuring out energy ratings is a waste of time. So they don’t make any effort to learn the difference between the U-factor and the SHGC. The result is often less efficient windows that do not meet the needs of the local climate zone.

DO Choose Windows with Proper Energy Performance

The energy performance ratings on new windows can seem overwhelming at first. But once you understand the labels you can prioritize energy savings and choose products that will help insulate and protect your home. It will also help you understand which glazing upgrades are worth the investment, and which ones cost more than you will recoup in energy savings.

DON’T DIY Your Window Installation

So many homeowners think they can DIY window installation as a way to save money. They often learn the hard way that window installation is a meticulous process and one small mistake could be disastrous.

replacement windows in Seattle, WA

DO Hire a Window Contractor You can Trust

Working with a window company and professional installers is the best way to get the job done right. Installation experts have the proper training and tools. And because they install windows day in and day out they are prepared for any problems or issues that might pop up.

Ready to get replacement windows in Seattle, WA? DO call the experts at Signature Window & Door Replacement. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our team of professionals is recognized as one of the best in the area.